happy father’s day! let’s go to the fabric store!
Because of some massive changes at work, I will be spending a lot of late nights and weekends at work for the rest of this month, and working a lot of extra hours in July as well. I was at work this morning, and have to be at work tomorrow as well. On Saturday afternoon,…
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer
On my way home, I have to make a couple of left turns. I sometimes find that the green arrow does not turn on, so I have to wait for all the oncoming traffic. During rush hour this often lasts for the entire duration of the signal. The underlying problem is that most of the…
words like thither, mischance, felicity
On my way to work this morning, in my car without a functional radio, I was thinking about interesting words in the English language – specifically “pride” and its cousin “proud.” To quote Ron Stoppable, it’s a cornucopia of disturbing concepts. Pride has two major meanings that I’m concerned about … one has characteristics that…
is this thing on?
Just a quick question … who all is reading this thing? Sound off by leaving a comment. Be sure to let me know in some way who you are, especially if I don’t already know you. I’d also like to know if you are using an RSS reader to watch for new articles or if…
with your bad knee ed, you shouldn’t throw anybody
Today Kathy and I installed sprinkler pipe for the lawn in the back yard. We are sunburned in many spots and sore all over. Kathy’s feet are even sunburned where they showed through her sandals. Yesterday Kathy did a fair amount of work as well, installing most of the valves for the drip system. I…
shawshank redemption
Today as I was driving to work, the magic smoke escaped from my car stereo. Everyone knows that electronics require electricity to run. What is less commonly known is that the crucial component in ALL electronic devices is a small quantity of what technicians call magic smoke. Clever engineers have enslaved vast quantities of the…
28 days … 6 hours … 42 minutes … 12 seconds
That is … when the world … will end.
who’s gonna drive you home
It’s amazing how quickly storage sizes have jumped on computers. The first hard drive I ever owned was 80MB MFM drive for my 8086 computer – purchased in 1989 or 1990. It was a full height 5.25 inch drive that had to have an external enclosure built because there was no way it would fit…
i’m ready for my closeup, mr. demille
In case you couldn’t tell, I’m having fun resizing my pictures and posting them. Here are some pictures that I made by zooming in on small objects.
laws, yes!
The other day I took some pictures of the moon. I went through them and found one with a good balance of brightness and detail. After I cropped the black parts of the sky out of the image, the resulting picture was only 400×400 pixels. Given the small size of the finished image, it might…
i got cat class and i got cat style
My cat chases mice. About 1:45 this morning, I was woken up by my wife to deal with a dead mouse that he had brought in through the cat door, chased around my bedroom, killed, and proudly left as a present. I know this means my cat loves me, but I do wish he would…
a nice reliant automobile
In the first picture of my previous post, you can just make out my license plate. I’ve had a vanity plate on my car for something close to 15 years now. My first car was a 1976 Nova, purchased from Nat’s family in 1987. That car did not have a vanity plate, but I can…
but not a real green bike, that’s cruel
Okay, so it’s more yellow than green… but that wouldn’t be nearly as amusing. Thanks to some recent purchases, the bicycle portfolio now includes everybody but Melanie, who refuses to learn to ride one. We have offered to buy her a bike and teach her to use it, but she has so far turned us…
what i learned from tv
I’m one of those people with a very strong gag reflex. The tongue depressors that doctors use when looking down throats are almost enough to induce vomiting. If someone throws up near me, there’s a good chance that I will lose my lunch too. I have a hard time cleaning rotten food out of the…
open the pod bay doors, hal
If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice that today is April 1st. Most of the big websites put up something to commemorate the day, and naturally the Internet has a new RFC. I engaged in my own bit of fun today as well, though at the time I actually was not thinking about it being April…
new url and name
I’ve changed things around, and probably completely broken RSS. I’ll try to get URL rewriting to work, but I’m not going to make any promises. This is my first public use of the atory.org domain. I have some other name ideas, but can’t really think of anything interesting that could be hosted on them.
vacation day three
Homewood Suites has an excellent breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausage, bagels, toast, cereal, milk, three kinds of juice, yogurt, and lots of toppings for everything. Knowing that food is expensive in Disneyland, Kathy and I loaded up on a protien-oriented breakfast so that it would really last. The kids all ate mostly carbohydrates, despite our dire…
vacation day two
The continental breakfast at the hotel in Vegas was decent, but not very filling. The cinnamon rolls, which are a Holiday Inn Express specialty were the best part of the breakfast. Milk, yogurt, and hard-boiled eggs were the only choices in the protein department. We got on the road about 9:00 AM, and headed south…
vacation day one
I left work at about 3:30 PM with the idea that we would be on the road by 5:00. A series of sitcom-like problems conspired to delay that until after 6:30 PM. We had the kids watching movies on our two laptop computers, powered by an inverter and hooked to headphones. We secured the laptops…
going to southern california!
This is a backdated post — we’ve already returned from the entire trip. Several other backdated posts will follow. At this point I plan on doing one post for each day of the trip, but that may not be the way it ends up. This trip was my wife Kathy’s idea. On February 21st (President’s…