Tag: random thoughts

  • more on google’s favicon rebranding

    I’ve been seeing a lot of chatter on the Internet about Google’s new favicon. Seems the general consensus is that people hate it. I don’t hate it, but as I twittered a couple of days ago, it’s messing with my mind. When I said that, I meant that as I glance at my open tabs,…

  • watching grey’s anatomy from the beginning, in season 3

  • synonymical

    I saw a construction sign on the way to work today that said “median work ahead.” I thought “that’s about right, but I believe the word you’re searching for is average.”

  • bright light

    How is it that a Mogwai’s metabolism can know that it’s after midnight in any particular timezone?

  • founding fathers

    Delta flight 1776 goes to Philadelphia. Very approriate. I am in a suburb of Chicago for a couple of days on business. This leaves my wife without a safety net, which sucks.

  • optical musings

    Unlike a CD or a standard DVD+/-R, a dual layer DVD is not the best random-access media, due to the time required to transition between layers.

  • everyone avoids me like a cyclone ranger

    Two new fortune cookies from Smith’s Chinese: A fond memory will soon lead to a renewed friendship. Turn your thoughts withing – find yourself. Most intriguing.

  • sensory input

    I read a thought provoking article recently. I would love to have the belt described on the first page of the article, which uses a series of cellphone vibrator motors situated around the belt, with one always vibrating – whichever one points North. Of course, I’d want a refined consumer version – one that can…

  • parts is parts

    It seems there is a need to look at building another computer, or maybe getting another laptop. Kathy’s on one computer, the kids monopolize the other. Now to find a way to pay for it.

  • the hardest to learn was the least complicated

    I found this article about the MPAA making illegal copies of a DVD very interesting. Ranks right up there with the Sony rootkit fiasco of recent months.

  • we hates it

    If Sméagol were to ever design a firewall, the perfect ad campain would be this: What’s it got in its packetses? I suppose others on the internet might have had this same thought, but I came up with this one all by myself.

  • stupid signs

    When someone in the department of public safety decided to create the neighborhood signs pictured below, did they have any notion of how insulting it might be? I’d like to know what ubiquitous signs other people have seen that have an unintended meaning.

  • leeloo dallas multipass

    I have no idea what to write about, but I have been itching to write something. So prepare for completely mindless comments. The last few years have seen a proliferation of products (particularly hair-care) claiming to have pro-vitamins, complex or otherwise. I did look it up and learn that a provitamin is a vitamin precursor,…

  • mummy bling

    Earlier tonight I was sort of watching one of the national news shows as I worked on my computer. They had a story about a new mummy that has been uncovered in Egypt. They don’t know who it is yet, but the level of decoration on the sarcophagus suggests that it was somebody very rich…