a bangup job
I had a car accident about 6 PM tonight. I hadn’t even made it all the way out of my parking spot at work. The University of Utah police officer did not ticket either of us, but he did tell me that a car on the roadway has right of way over a car coming…
oddly specific
Today’s fortune cookie from Smith’s: A short stranger will soon enter your life with blessings to share.
illness evolution
I learned today that my 15 year old daughter who visits us weekly has been tested positive for mononucleosis, and has probably had it for 8-12 weeks. It is possible that the nasty flu I’ve been dealing with for three weeks now is not actually the flu. It would explain the rather severe fatigue that…
no stomach flu
I did not end up with the stomach flu, but the regular variety is still lingering.
can you imagine augustus-flavored chocolate-covered gloop? ew!
In one way or another, I have been sick almost constantly since shortly after my last post. It started on the second day in Montana, and has not yet let up. I got the nastiest case of stomach flu I have ever experienced that day, which stayed with me until some 2-3 days after I…
back on the road
We left town way too late to deal with the trailer, so it’s still at the house. On our way out of town, we got mired down in horrible I-15 commute traffic. It took two hours to get from 90th south to Farmington, where most of the bad traffic let up. There was another bad…
lemony fresh
The trailer is finally free of snow and dry, so I collapsed it and got it ready for towing. When we start our drive to Montana tomorrow for my dad’s funeral, I will drop the trailer off at the dealership on the way. The hope is that everything will be fully functional in time for…
i eat a lot of chinese food
A fortune cookie (only one this time!) from the usual, Smith’s on 9th south, Friday of last week. You will live a long time, long enough to open many, many fortune cookies.
A few minutes ago I received word that my father died this morning. I suppose more technically he is my step-father, but I have never met the real one. I will have more to say about it later, when a few things are arranged. I am interested in what my readers have to say about…
it’ll cost a fortune
Two more fortune cookies from Smith’s. An unexpected event will soon bring you fortune. Your respect for other will be your ticket to success.
fortune cookies
On January 2nd, I got two very interesting fortune cookies. I can only find one of them, which says “Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you.” The other one started with “Someone is interested in you.” The second part was something along the lines of “be on the lookout”…
a dumbledore candy favorite
I have mostly convinced myself that the remaining electrical problem with my trailer is the power converter, but it could be a case of the generator not pushing out enough current when it’s idling. I’m going to send an email to the manufacturer of the power converter and see what they think. Two nights ago…
you made a woman meow?
Today I fixed a printer. I bought a repair kit via ebay from http://www.feedroller.com and fixed the LaserJet 6L printer that Nat gave me. The printer would try to pull every loaded sheet through instead of just grabbing one. I actually ordered two of them, but they only shipped one for some reason. I’ve requested…
big bada boom
Earlier tonight (before the clock rolled over to a new day), I was driving to the video store to return Joe vs. the Volcano. Suddenly over a house in the distance, I saw some illegal fireworks – a single purple flower burst. It occurred to me that November 3rd is a very strange day to…
long ago, the delicate tangles of his hair covered the emptiness of my hand
I need this movie. Props to anyone who can place the quote without a search engine. You can bask in your own coolness.
inexplicable madness
My junior admin at work has been helping me try to figure out a new setup on our firewall in the UK. This is his first foray into figuring out the Cisco PIX firewall. On my way home, he sent me a text message that said “My years of PIX knowledge thinks it’s a routing…
on python, with antlers
I am catching up on slashdot, wherein an article about the GIMP can be found. One of the developers on the project is named Øvind Kolås. I have little to actually say about this, except that it’s an unusual name outside of the Scandinavian countries. Mynd you, møøse bites kan be pretty nastï …
Pete Ashdown owns and runs XMission, the largest and oldest surviving Internet Service Provider in Utah. They were my first ISP, and after a long hiatus because I was heavily involved in running two of their competitors (Wolsi and 1fn.net), I am back in the fold as an XMission subscriber. I usually refrain from getting…
today’s fortune cookies
At the Smith’s Chinese place, the woman who runs the cash register always gives me two fortune cookies, every time I ask for “a” fortune cookie. I’ve decided that it’s because my order is always a two item combo. You are talented in many ways. The heart commonly triumphs in every struggle with understanding.
rest in pieces
Audrey, one of Kathy’s kids, is enrolled in a charter school that caters to kids with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autistics. The school is brand new, just opened this year, a few weeks after the regular public school calender got started. Audrey is 12 years old, and started 7th grade this year. Due to the…