The paint man at Home Depot gave me the information I need to get boat names painted on inflatable boats. I put it into practice by inscribing a name on the little inflatable boat. This is not the best picture, because the flash resulted in a lot of light reflection on the letters.
I made this by printing out 525 point letters using the font named Informal Roman (from Office 2007), aligning them onto some contact paper, and cutting out a stencil with an X-acto knife. I then used it with black spray paint made for vinyl. You can see some overspray at the top of the picture where the paint sprayed beyond the stencil. I should have put saran wrap or newspaper under the edges of the stencil to fully cover the boat. I made a few other mistakes that aren’t as easy to see, I hope to correct them all when I put the name on the new boat.
2 responses to “i dub thee flubber”
Dude! That’s beautiful! I can’t see any flaws at all! I doubt anyone would notice the mistakes you’re describing at a range of greater than maybe five feet – if at all.
I agree with Gil – I have had a couple of people ask me how to put lettering on inflatables, and I had not found a good answer yet – looks like HomeDepot did it again.