I’ve upgraded my blog again. I can see that my RSS feed URL has changed, so I apologize to everyone who’s tracking me via RSS that may now have a problem. When/if I decide to move the blog to the new URL, you can all feel free to hate me one more time for the same reason.
Initial impression of the new version’s look — much better than the defaults on the old version. There are some weird issues if you have viewed my site before and your browser has cached it. Hold down either ctrl or shift (depending on your browser) and click on the reload button … that should clear up any problems.
The new version seems to have a fixed width that is significantly smaller than I like – I run 1600×1200 at work and 1280×1024 at home. I’m thinking I should probably optimize the width for a browser opened fullscreen on a 1024×768 monitor, with the hopes that there aren’t any readers out there with really old or small monitors. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.