ah, to be taken seriously!

My wife and I visited another doctor today. He is an immunodermatologist with a very limited practice. We had an official referral from her regular doctor, but we had to get past a very protective personal secretary before we could even get an appointment. He’s apparently a serious big-wig in his field. This guy was our Obi-Wan Kenobi – if we couldn’t get him to take us seriously, we didn’t hold out much hope that anyone else would either.

We went prepared with a personally written history and pictures of the visible problems, and made sure they were added to the file the doctor would read before seeing us. It was close to an hour after going into the room before we saw any action.

When he came in, he was followed by a younger female doctor and a nurse, who both stayed in the room. At this point, I was cautiously optimistic, but still unsure what to expect. The first thing the doctor did was to go over his understanding of the problems based on all the written information and have us fill in the blanks. Then he did something unheard of in the medical profession – he asked her what she thought was wrong with her. We continued our “playing stupid” game, but said that the last doctor had mentioned Beh

3 responses to “ah, to be taken seriously!”

  1. It’s just bloody ridiculous that it has taken this long to find someone to take her seriously. I had the same experience when trying to get my MS diagnosed, but it only took two years….not eight! It’s sad and ludicrous and just plain wrong that these health care “professionals” put more stock into their own pride and egos than into listening to the patients they took oaths to care for.

    That being said, I am delighted and relieved to hear this news!! This guy sounds compassionate and proactive, which is exactly what she needs. I pray that he can indeed bring her some relief.

    • I completely and totally agree. You preacher, us choir. 🙂 I started writing up more, but realized it needed to be a full post.

  2. Our medical system is just starting to get a glimmer of acceptance that there might be conditions other than the everyday ones that they see. My MS took twenty years to diagnose because they labeled me a neurotic. That unfortunate diagnosis by a old family doctor followed me for twenty years. To my doctors from that day forward, all of my symptoms were a manifestation of my neurosis. It was finally diagnosed by an unfriendly neurologist that thought I should be “happy you are not any worse than you are”. Kathy has endured the same medical stupidity and I hope she gets the treatment now that will make her life easier. That will make your life and the kids lives easier and happier.

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